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Saturday, April 17, 2010

17 April 2010

Yeah at last me turn to blog ,this in my first blog so pls give some comment.

Today attendance not so good cuz both josiah and sgt anson didn't come n sgt fong fei gei, say that today ajar us how to presentation skill training. Booo sama dia boo !!

As our parade, sgt Lois command ,praise n worship song lead by Josh ong 2 of our sq backup
after singing, bible class uncle Mike n uncle Butt Wah class combine.Now is badge class teach by Cheng Fong topic:safety in house got 3 category i)electrical ii)kitchen iii)fire.Sq activiti combine with sq 6 play game(so funny). Yeah no drill play game corporal Joshua inchange sq vs sq vs primer n we get last.

Pls pray of josiah & anson that they'll come next week. (*me don't know short form sorry)

Post by floydlkh