? ??????????????Easter? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (178 Ratings)??258 Grabs Today. 21245 Total Grabs. ??????P
review?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????A King's Mercy? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (60 Ratings)??237 Grabs Today. 9600 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Cross? ????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

19th of June 2010

Formal time tho =x
okay. We start with...
PARADE. As usual.
So PnW. We sang Segala Puji Syukur, Here I am to Worship, Still.
After that, we had Bible Class.
We talked about Luke Chapter 18.
ITs about a weak widow and an unjust judge
In Ancient times, males had to fight ma right? The widow's husband died because of war.
But the widow couldn't do anything to get even a SINGLE bread on her table.
But she had one thing that strikes out. Persistence
Everyday, she would go to the Judge and asked or plea.
So one fine day the Judge had enough. So he did what the widow wanted to do.
"Now, will God not judge in favour of his own people who cry to him day and night for help? Will he be slow to help them? I tell you, he will judge in their favour ad do it quickly. But will the Son of Man find faith on earth when he comes?"
So that, concludes it all.
Another parable. about the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
They both went to the Temple.
the Pharisee gave thanks for him beiNG not a sinner, not like the person beside him which is the tax collector
Whereas the Tax Collector. Asked for Mercy. And repent.
So the moral of the story is
If you made yourself great! you will be humbled. and if everyone humbles. They are made great.
After that, we had Bible Class
We are gonna take on another badge!
So our 1st assignment(sounds like college =x) was to make a sketch
we have to do it on the 1st week of July. Which is next next week.
So we break into groups and practice
after that
Was Drill.
So, as you could say it. Was some kind of waste la. Suddenly got uniform check. So some kena some didn't. So today we learnt nothing. But we did something! that is to check our uniforms.
after that
was squad activity
so Floyd told us that we had Physical Training exercises and stuff.
(Darren)Me is out of this la.sorry. Its just that I can't do it.
We also gonna finish the Resolution paper!!!!
now its at Avril there she's "designing it"
after that was Dismiss
so any important announcements Darren's Conscious No. 1 and No. 2

  • Next week. 26th of June. Is the 4th Sat of June. Which means MUFTI.
  • And so now Sgt. Anson starts his leave for college now. We shall keep him in our prayers.
so that's about it.
Posted by Darren.
Darren's Conscious No. 1= BYE BYE!!!!
No. 2=noob ^ ^ ^ ^

Saturday, June 12, 2010

5 June 2010

I'm very sorry for blogging this late cuz the
moment i blog my com hang gei.
As for our attentance actually all present but three of our member
is helping for the sunday school camp (avril,darren,marcus)
for a very long time since 2006 we praise n worship at fellowship hall
by L/Corporal Nic n that day still the same.
After that sq activity held at SJK(C) during sq activity we do the background of
our sq resolution we took the toilet paper deep in the paint
splash on the malina card it was gross but fun then drill for 30 min
pre-junior, junior and senior had game together by tiding leg to leg so pain.
Last but not least captain ball YEAH !! but squad vs squad even YEAH !!
we won all games by more than 10 points

Last is non other than dismiss

post by floydlkh